Summer 2024

Hello everyone,

We are well into this fiery summer! I want to give you all a short update on the next few weeks. The following picture is a brief explanation with more detailed information right after.

  1. Our Music Discovery Camp helmed by Ms. Adora and Mrs. Barabara is shaping up to be a fantastic time! As stated, 5 spots are left so if you’d like to reserve your own or send it to a family member/friend please click here.

  2. We so far have TWO sign-ups as of this posting! 3 more new students and the summer discount will continue into August. For current members, if you’d like your student to try a new instrument, the discount will also apply to you. $30/lesson. Spread the word!

  3. We are thrilled to have been invited to join The Boerne Chamber of Commerce! Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony takes place Tuesday, August 6th, from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm. The Area Director of Greet Fair Oaks Magazine will be attending to capture photos for a short article, as Unison Studios is now featured in their publication! These connections are a testament to our commitment to creating more performance opportunities and solidifying our place in this vibrant community.

    Everyone is invited to join us for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We look forward to celebrating with you!

  4. Lastly, our first Band Class is set to start! Ms. Adora will be sending out emails to those who have signed up. We are close to forming a 2nd band so if you are interested, please let us know at your next lesson.

Unison Studios 2nd year is shaping up to be a monumental step forward, and it’s all thanks to our wonderful students, parents, and instructors.

Thank you!


December Update