
Payment Options 

Payment can be made via:

  • Venmo

  • Zelle

  • Cash (exact)

  • Card (4% processing fee)

  • Checks made out to “Unison Studios”

Payment Terms

Unison Studios offers two different terms for clients:

  1. Monthly Payments: made by the first lesson

  2. Two Bi-Weekly Payments: made by the first lesson of each term.

Weekly payments are only available to new clients for their first full month or when their special/discount expires.

We reserve the right to suspend further lessons after two (2) consecutive missed payments.

Makeups and Cancellations

Makeup Lessons and Rescheduled Lessons

These options can be given:

  1. On another day agreed on by both the Client and Unison Studios. 

  2. Split (ex. 15 mins added at the end for the next two lessons)

  3. On the 5th day of a month, if available. 

  4. Weekend, agreed on by both the Client and Unison Studios.

Unison will not reschedule or issue a refund for any missed makeup/rescheduled lesson.

A missed make-up/rescheduled lesson due to excusable reasons such as travel, health, or safety concerns, or school obligations, then you may either:

  1. Reschedule your missed lesson.

  2. Request a refund for said lesson.

  3. Apply your paid balance against the next month’s lessons.

Canceling Lessons

Please inform us of your cancellation request no later than twenty-four (24) hours before your scheduled lesson. Same-day cancellations due to emergencies will not be held against you. We will schedule make-up lessons for you upon such notice or if any of our instructors need to cancel.

Same-day cancellations still require payment.

Leaving Unison Studios

Please give Unison Studios a month to two weeks’ notice of your departure.

There is no fee.

Dismissal from Unison Studios

Dismissing a Student will always be the last resort for Unison Studios. We will always seek a solution, but in extreme cases, we reserve the right to dismiss a student for the following reasons:

  1. Two consecutive missed payments

  2. Three consecutive unexcused absences

  3. Continued Disciplinary Issues after an Instructor/Client Meeting

  4. Continued Lack of Practice after an Instructor/Client Meeting